cvc Advisory Board
Parent Member: Casey Ryan
Parent Member: Laura Sanchez
Certificated Staff Member: Christina Martinez
Classified Staff Member: Irene Toledo
Community Member: Denise Bowman
Community Member: Dr. Anne Kalisek
Community Member: Lucinda Killebrew
Parent Member: Laura Sanchez
Certificated Staff Member: Christina Martinez
Classified Staff Member: Irene Toledo
Community Member: Denise Bowman
Community Member: Dr. Anne Kalisek
Community Member: Lucinda Killebrew

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Description of Advisory Board/Governing Board pulled from Page 39-40 of CVC Petition
ELEMENT 4: Governance
Governing Law: “The governance structure of the school, including, but not limited to, the process to be followed by the school to ensure parental involvement.”
Education Code § 47605 (b)(5)(D).
4.1 Legal Status
Cielo Vista Charter School (“CVC” or “Charter School”) is a public charter school within the PalmSprings Unified School District (“PSUSD” or “District”). CVC shall be governed pursuant to theBylaws adopted by the CVC Governing Board (“the Board”), as subsequently amended from time totime and which shall be maintained to be consistent with this charter and the requirements of the BrownAct, Government Code 1090 and the California Political Reform Act.
Section I. Number
The CVC Governing Board shall be seven (7) members. Each Board position shall have one (1) vote.
Section II. Members
Cielo Vista Charter School will be governed by the CVC Governing Board consisting of one (1) Cielo Vista certificated member, one (1) Cielo Vista classified members, two (2) Cielo Vista parent members, and three (3) Board-appointed community members with the possibility of a current PSUSD Board member, or community member with an interest in education. All Board members shall be voting members. Additional non-voting members may be selected for the CVC Board and may include additional parents and community members. Non-voting advisors required to be in attendance of Board meetings shall be all CVC administrators and the accounting technician.
Section III. Eligibility Requirements
● Nominees for Governing Board membership may not be related to any other nominee or Board member ( i.e.: marriage, sibling, parent, grandparent).
● Parent nominees must have a child in attendance at CVC during the length of his/her full term.
● Parent nominees may not be employed by CVC or PSUSD. Nominees may not be, or be related to a current Charter School employee and/or an employee of PSUSD.
● CVC certificated or classified nominees with children currently enrolled at CVC may serve as aCVC certificated or classified representative, but not a parent representative.
● The community members who are appointed by the CVC Governing Board should have a connection to the CVC community and help promote the mission of providing a safe nurturing environment to pursue academic excellence, environmental stewardship, and social accountability. The community members may not be employed by CVC or PSUSD or be related to a current charter school employee and/or employee of the PSUSD (ie. marriage, sibling, child, parent, grandparent).
Section IV. Terms of Office, Election, and Community Member Appointment
The length of service for a CVC Governing Board position shall be two school years from July 1 to June30.All Governing Board members will be elected for two-year terms. For the initial board, the BoardPresident, Vice President and Secretary will serve for a three-year term. This will ensure that future elections will be staggered. A board member can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. After the two terms are served, they may run for re-election after two years.39
A Governing Board member who has been appointed, for the purpose of filling a vacancy, by the Board to serve an unexpired term, will serve until the upcoming Board election. At that time, the appointed member may run for his/her position if he/she wishes to continue service. Terms of office will begin on the date of a June Board meeting. No individual will receive a salary or other compensation for services rendered as a member of theGoverning Board.
The CVC Governing Board bylaws shall govern its existence. A copy of these bylaws is available at theCharter School. Upon the election and appointment of a new CVC Board, members will create and establish new Cielo Vista Charter School Governing Bylaws. After initial by-laws are adopted, any changes to CVC Governing Board Bylaws must be shared with stakeholders 30 days prior to a vote.Stakeholders should communicate any concerns in writing to the Governing Board.
Open CVC Governing Board positions will be announced to staff and parents by April 1 of each year.Any person eligible may nominate him/herself. A Call-to-Serve letter will be distributed to current parents and staff to fill Governing Board vacancies.A written biography of each nominee must be submitted to the office within 10 days of the date of theCall-to-Serve letter being sent out with elections to follow. Election information will be written inEnglish and Spanish and voting shall be held prior to the end of each school year. The name and biography of each nominee will be on each ballot. Elections must be completed by May 1 of each year.In the event the position(s) are not filled by the Call-to-Serve, such unfilled position(s) will be appointed by the CVC Governing Board in accordance with the previously stated criteria.
Administration will oversee the voting process to ensure its integrity and maintain the security of the ballots.
Election of parent representatives to the Governing Board shall be by ballot. Names and biographies of all parent nominees will be written in both English and Spanish. These shall be sent to all families with students attending CVC that election year. Voting will take place on the CVC campus; one vote per family. Elections must be completed by May 1 of each year.Certificated and classified Governing Board Members will be elected by CVC employees only.Elections must be completed by May 1 of each year.The appointment of the community members will be nominated and voted on by the CVC GoverningBoard. After the initial meeting of the newly elected Board, nominations for community members will be considered, and up to three members will be voted in by November’s Board Meeting. This process will take place in the Fall every two years unless the community member resigns or is excused before the end of the term. In this case, the Board will nominate and appoint a new community member within two months of the opening.